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Our lab receives support from local, regional, and federal sources. Some of our funders (past and present) are listed below.

As Principal Investigator

NIH - CTSI of SE Wisconsin

Title: Emerging Company Award

Awarded to Venus Rehabilitation Technologies

Title: CUped: Novel Device to Improve Walking after Stroke

Costs: $5,000

Period: 10/2022 – 10/2024

NIH - CTSI of SE Wisconsin

TL1 Predoctoral Fellowship (renewal)

MU PI of Record: S. Schindler-Ivens; Predoc Fellow: T. Ruopp

Costs:  $39,060, Role: PI of record


Period: 07/2021 – 07/2022

NIH - CTSI of SE Wisconsin              

TTL1 Predoctoral Fellowship

MU PI of Record: S. Schindler-Ivens; Predoc Fellow: T. Ruopp

Title: A Novel Pedaling Paradigm to Improve Lower Limb Locomotion Post-Stroke

Costs:  $39,060, Role: PI of record

Period: 07/2020 - 07/2021

TREAT* Grant 2 – Round 2

Pilot Grant, Commercialization Assistance Program

See explanation of TREAT process below. 

Grant #: A-6152802685

Title: Motor-Assisted Uncoupled Pedaling System for Stroke Rehabilitation

Direct Costs: $25,000, Role: PI

*TREAT is an NIH Center for Translation of Rehabilitation Engineering Advances and Technology operating out of Dartmouth University.

I received an award from TREAT in Round 1 and Round 2.

In Round 1, I was awarded participation in a TREAT’s Commercialization Cohort, which was a labor-intensive educational series designed to teach scientist-inventors how to bring new technology to the marketplace. Educational units included product development, business model generation, customer discovery, medical device regulation, fundraising, and financial statements. I successfully completed this opportunity which comprised >50 hrs of homework over 8-10 weeks.

Successful completion of the Cohort allowed me to enter an invitation only funding round (i.e., Round 2), where I was awarded in-kind services from TREAT for product development, business model generation, customer discovery, medical device regulation, fundraising, and financial statements. The in-kind phase began shortly after the new year (~Feb, 2020) and comprised approximately 10 hours per week over 6-8 months. Activities included 35 customer discovery interviews of clinicians nationwide, development and testing of a value proposition, and market/market size analysis. I also developed a regulatory and reimbursement strategy, a business model canvas, and market requirements document. I pitched the technology to 2 rehab. device companies. The net effect of all these activities is that I now have good insight into the process of tech transfer in rehab. I understand the business challenges associated with licensing a new rehab. technology. Mentors at TREAT and tech transfer officials at Marquette have indicated that I am strongly positioned to compete for SBIR or STTR funds at the NIH, which I am discerning now. No direct costs were awarded on either Round. The estimated value of in-kind services rendered is ~$20,000. 

Period: 01/2020 – 12/2020

TREAT* Grant – Round 1

Pilot Grant, Commercialization Assistance Program

See explanation of TREAT process above. 

​Grant #: A-6152802685

Title: Motor-Assisted Uncoupled Pedaling System for Stroke Rehabilitation

Direct Costs: $25,000, Role: PI

Period: 09/2019 – 12/2019

Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust                               

Title: Improving Lower Limb Rehabilitation Post-Stroke

Costs:  $5,000


Period: 02/2016 – 02/2017

American Heart Association – Midwest Affiliate
Predoctoral Fellowship

MU PI of Record: S. Schindler-Ivens; Predoc Fellow: B. Cleland

Grant #: 16PRE26650000

Title: Exposing plasticity-related changes in brain activation during lower limb pedaling after stroke

Costs:  $52,000

Period: 01/2016 – 12/2017

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
K01 Career Development Award


Title: Supraspinal contributions to locomotor control and recovery after stroke

Role: PI                       
Costs: $553,149

Period: 02/2010 – 12/2016

CTSI of Southeastern Wisconsin
Pilot and Collaborative Clinical and Translational Research Grant

[Title:  Supraspinal contributions to upper and lower limb motor control and recovery after stroke

Role: PI                       
Costs: $45,000

Period: 06/2010 – 06/2012

Medical College of Wisconsin CTSI core facility for pilot funding  

Title: Understanding human brain function and plasticity during locomotion in people with and without stroke

Costs: $12,648

Period: 04/2008 - 07/2009

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
R15 AREA Award 


Title: Cortical control of locomotion after stroke

Direct costs:  $150,000 declined due to overlapping aims with American Heart Association award

Costs: $12,648

Period: 01/2006 – 12/2008

American Heart Association – Midwest Affiliate
New Investigator Development Award  

Title: Supraspinal contributions to locomotor control and recovery after stroke

Direct costs:  $195,000

Period: 01/2006 – 12/2008

As Co-Investigator

NIH MR3 Network in collaboration with National Pediatric Rehabilitation Resource Center (C-PROGRESS)      Period:    01/2023-12/2023

Title: Corticospinal Organization and Bilateral Coordination in Children with Hemiparesis

Costs: $25,000 (over 1 year), Role: Co-PI (Nemanich PI)

Period:  01/2023 – 12/2023

NIH (T34)

​Title: Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE)

Costs: $5,866,204 (over 5 years), Role: Contributor (S. Choi, PI)

Period: 2022 – 2026

Summer Faculty Fellowship, Committee on Research   

​Title: Brain activation and bilateral coordination in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy

Costs:  $5,500  Role: Co-Investigator (S. Nemanich, PI)

Period: 03/2021 – 12/2021

Regular Research Grant, Committee on Research            

​Title: Brain activation and bilateral coordination in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy

Costs:  $10,000  Role: Co-Investigator (S. Nemanich, PI)

Period: 03/2021 – 12/2021

RAdvancing Healthier Wisconsin (PI: Diane Braza) Grant            

​Title: Optimizing Functional Outcomes for Stroke Survivors through Translational Research

Direct Costs:  $1,000,373

Role: Co-Investigator

Period: 12/2015 – 11/2020

2015 Strategic Innovation Fund, Marquette University (Leader: Brian D.Schmit) Grant

​Title: Research Program of the Stroke Rehabilitation Center of Southeast Wisconsin

Direct Costs:  $110,000

Role: Co-investigator

Period:  7/2015 – 6/2016

2015 Strategic Innovation Fund, Marquette University (Leader: Kathy Durban) Grant

​Title: Building the Technology Transfer Program at Marquette University

Direct Costs:  $487,840

Role: Co-Investigator

Period:  7/2015 – 6/2018

US Department of Education, RERC (PI: Harris, G)

​Title: Rehabilitation engineering research center on technologies for children with orthopaedic disabilities

Direct Costs: $4,456,124

Role: Co-Investigator

Period: 10/2010 – 09/2015

American Heart Association - Midwest Affiliate (PI: Ellwein, L)

Postdoctoral Fellowship #10POST4210030.

​Title: Translating Near Infrared Spectrocopy (NIRS) O2 Saturation Data for the Noninvasive Prediction of Spatial and Temporal Hemodynamics during Exercises

Direct Costs: $90,772

Role: Consultant

Period: 7/2010 – 6/2012

Foundation for Physical Therapy (PI: Quaney, BM)

​Title: Effect of electrical stimulation on grasping function in individuals with chronic stroke

Direct Costs: $40,000

Role: Co-Investigator

Period: 05/2006 – 04/2007

Grant Applications Currently Under Review (Pending)


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